Job 3-5
- Just in case anybody was wondering: there are 310 questions asked in the book of Job.
- There is a time for everything. When time is up, get on with your life.
- Job made a distinction between his circumstances and who God is. Don’t let that line blur when you are hurting. Just because you are in pain doesn’t mean God wants to see you like that. He brings fruit through this time.
- God allows us to go through rough times. He will never ever allow us to go through something we can’t handle. But we won’t be able to handle it without Him. Run to Jesus!!!
- There is a difference between contending for the faith and being contentious for the faith. Be a contender!!!
- Job shows us how we can suffer in the presence of God.
- Note that in the book of Job, Job is not considering suicide. He is deploring that he was born. But he realizes that he can’t change it, so he moves on.
- This is a bitter life. There is a better life. Look forward to being with Jesus forever! :)
- Be a witness – share God’s love wherever you go!
- Even if you biggest nightmare has become a reality, KEEP MOVING in the faith.
“Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love.” – 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
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Keep your tongue from evil, And your lips from speaking deceit.
- Psalm 34:13