Quote from my last post: “Why declare there is a God, that you believe in Him, but live a life with NO CARE about displeasing Him? Why!?”
[Based on my obvious frustration with the world on this topic (if you saw my notes, you would understand), I felt like this deserves a post of its own.]
Since I have gotten to college, I have met several people who claim Jesus as Lord, but continue to live their lives in ways that I do not see as pleasing to the Lord. I know that each person is convicted differently, but when you are blatantly breaking the law and living in sin, a line must be drawn. When you say that you think that you can do whatever you want because God will forgive you, you are acknowledging that you are wrong, but not doing anything about it.
I do not understand how people can live their lives in this way. God’s word says it clearly:
“What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not!” – Romans 6:15
How can someone reject that? How can someone say Jesus is Lord, that He is God, that they are born again, but reject His word.
This honestly angers me so much. I have to guard myself when I speak with these kind of people, that I don’t take my anger out on them (“Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret—it only causes harm.” – Psalm 37:8). It makes me want to cry. How can someone use God like that? All they want is their salvation but they do not want to change their lives for Him. That is like spitting in His face, but so much worse. I don’t even know how to express my frustration. If my heart breaks like this, how much more does it hurt my Jesus?
Jesus gave Himself for us and to us, paying a holy and precious price on the cross. After giving His all, is it too much for Him to ask us to do the same thing?
-Streams in the Desert, December 14
I feel like I could ramble about this all night, but I need sleep and you need a break from me , so I’ll end with this: Let us all live our lives for Jesus, our Redeemer. May we all shine for Him and let Him be Lord over our lives. Always and forever.