Job 32:1-36:33
I’ve combined both of these sermons into one post since it’s been quite some time since I have posted. Sorry about that…
- Don’t cause your friends (or anyone else) to stumble. Job’s friends failed to put themselves in Jobs’ place and failed to shut up. They also caused him to say risky things. Don’t be the reason for this in your friends’ lives.
- One of the great advantages we have over Job in reading this book is that we know the end of the story.
- Elihu focuses so much on the sovereignty of God that he doesn’t leave any room for any of the other attributes of Him. Yes, God is sovereign, but He is also loving, all-knowing, just, graceful, and so much more. Don’t put God in a box.
- When we are persecuted, we may have to turn the other cheek, but we never have to change our doctrine if it’s right. The truth is not up for debate.
- It’s never good to give the devil a microphone. Just don’t do it.
- The gullible get devoured. It takes work to be a Christian. It took a bloody cross to start it, so why would we think it was going to be easy?
- Serving the Lord is serious. It’s not always convenient, but it is worth it. It involves sacrifice, but it doesn’t have to involve misery.
- Don’t be a toxic Christian. Don’t judge people for not living up to your standards.
- There is contention in this world. Against God or against sin. Pick which side you are on.
- Practice what you preach. God can give you something in private that you screw up in public. Just don’t.
- Don’t be a know-it-all who wants to do good. They are problems.
- Being self-existent is a job requirement for being God.
- You don’t have to defend [protect] God. Preach the truth when the door is opened.
- When we get to heaven, we will not just be sanctified. We will be glorified as well.
- Don’t be someone who has to be heard under all circumstances. Job’s friends didn’t know God’s plan, but they still spoke up.
- Making someone else feel small so you can feel big is addictive to the flesh, but that doesn’t make it right.
- Just because a catastrophe happens doesn’t mean God is judging a nation or a group of people.
- Satan is an accuser of the brethren. He will try to make you feel like you have done something wrong, even if you haven’t. Don’t listen to him! Listen to God!
- “men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” – John 3:19
- Many heroes of the faith felt that it was a bigger sacrifice to not sacrifice their time, love, and life to the Lord. Do you feel the same way?
- The just shall live by faith (Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17); We walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7) – you don’t have to feel God’s presence in your life. Live by faith.
- We don’t have to get everyone to come to our church. We can fellowship with those who do not go to the same church or share every tiny detail of doctrine with us, but we must agree on who Jesus is.
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Keep your tongue from evil, And your lips from speaking deceit.
- Psalm 34:13