Hi there!
Well, I guess you deserve an introduction, though I’m not sure who will be reading. My name is Rachel, and I am currently a college student studying bioinformatics. I live at home, more or less, with my parents and my brother, and my grandparents are currently staying with us as well. I have two cats and two birds, and my parents have two dogs and a cat. I go to an amazing church, and I love it and my friends!
I live in what some would consider a small town, and for quite some time, all I wanted was to get out. God had other plans, though, and I am beginning to see why.
For most of my life, I have been a Christian. I was raised in a Christian home, and went to church every Sunday and Wednesday growing up. During high school,I began to claim my faith as my own. We all have to do this at some point, because we can’t just be Christians because our parents are. I tried to keep up with my devotions, but eventually they went to the wayside, with me telling God that I would spend more time with Him in college. Well, here I am, and God is holding me to what I said (and boy am I glad!).
As a result of me staying at home, I continue to be active in my church, which is reason enough for me to stay. God has blessed me in other ways here too, but that is another post in and of itself. I also have two of the most amazing friends in the world. Between the three of us, at least one of us always has a problem (but often it is two with problems). This has allowed each of us to be a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen when things have gotten rough, and yet we have also been the ones crying and babbling at other times. God has knit our hearts together during the past few months and I can’t imagine college without them.
Well, I have learned many lessons over the past few months. I cannot even begin to talk about them all, but I am so glad that God has taught me what He has.
So, this blog is about what I learn. I don’t exactly know what will become of it, but I am interested to see where God will take this.